Comandos De Game Master's (Gm's)
/gmove Loko-Bk 6 53 251
N° Mapa Coordenadas
gm shop
0 = Lorencia 125 / 125
1 = Dungeon1 233 / 126
1 = Dungeon2 232 / 126/
1 = Dungeon3 3 / 85
2 = Davias1 211 / 40
2 = Davias2 35 / 252
Davias3 225 / 215
3 = Noria 175 / 112
4 = Losstower1 209 / 71
4 = Losstower2 241 / 237/
4 = Losstower3 86 / 166
4 = Losstower4 87 / 86 /
4 = Losstower5 130 / 53
4 = Losstower6 52 / 53
4 = Losstower7 8 / 85
5 = Exile 102 / 32
6 = Arena-Stadium 64 / 116
7 = Atlans 24 / 19
8 = Tarkan 187 / 58
9 = DevilSquare
10 = Icarus (skycity) Inicio: 15/13 DPH: 47/205
11 = Blood Castle 1 Inicio: 15/13 Final: 15/94
12 = Blood Castle 2
13 = Blood Castle 3
14 = Blood Castle 4
15 = Blood Castle 5
16 = Blood Castle 6
17 = Blood Castle 7
18 Chaos Castle 1 25 / 76 - 42 / 106
19 Chaos Castle 2
20 Chaos Castle 3
21 Chaos Castle 4
22 Chaos Castle 5
23 Chaos Castle 6
24 = Kalima 24/23
25 = Kalima 24/23
26 = Kalima 24/23
27 = Kalima 24/23
28 = Kalima 24/23
29 = Kalima 24/23
30 = Valley of Loren 93 / 37/
31 = Land of Trials 60 / 20
33 = Aida1 82 / 8
33 = Aida2 189 / 173
33 = Aida 91/10
34 = Crywolf 214/70
37 = Kanturu 188 / 11
38 = Kanturu 97 / 96
39 = Kanturu 77 / 177
41 = BalgasBarrack Spot1 95 / 64
41 = BalgasBarrack Spot2 66 / 109
41 = BalgasBarrack Spot3 125 / 164
41 = BalgasBarrack Spot4 125 / 93
42 = BalgasRefuge 99 / 186
45 = Illusion Temple 1 195 / 116
46 = Illusion Temple 2 195 / 116
47 = Illusion Temple 3 195 / 116
48 = Illusion Temple 4 195 / 116
49 = Illusion Temple 5 195 / 116
50 = Illusion Temple 6 195 / 116
51 = Eberlan 45 / 164
56 = Swamp Campnes 51 / 30
Lorencia = 0
/gmove username 0 125 125 (In bar)
/gmove username 0 7 140 (Spot scheleti..)
/gmove username 0 120 85 (Potion Girl - Langa terenul de curse)
/gmove username 0 146/112 (Stash-ul din dreapta)
/gmove username 0 146/144 (Stash-ul din stanga)
/gmove Throzen 0 117 83 Racing EVENT
Dungeon = 1
/gmove username 1 233 125 (Dungeon lvl 2)
/gmove username 1 3 85 (Dungeon lvl 3)
/gmove username 1 119 46 (Bullroom)
Devias = 2
/gmove username 2 220 60 (In orash)
/gmove username 2 225 225 (Castle 1)
/gmove username 2 25 25 (Castle 2)
/gmove username 2 70 180 (Devias 4)
Noria = 3
/move username 3 174 95 (Orash)
/move username 3 150 5 (intrare in Lorencia)
/move username 3 200 125 (Magazinul cu sageti)
Losttower = 4
/gmove username 4 208 78 (Losttower lvl 1)
/gmove username 4 86 166 (Losttower lvl 3)
/gmove username 4 130 53 (Losttower lvl 5)
/gmove username 4 8 85 (Losttower lvl 7)
/gmove username 4 45 140 (Podul din Lt 7)
Exile = 5
/gmove username 5 105 35 (Orash)
/gmove username 5 90 80 --- }
=> Spoturi
/gmove username 5 95 190 --- }
Arena = 6
/gmove username 6 63 160 (Intrarea din Stadium in Arena)
/gmove username 6 20 25
/gmove username 6 68 74 (Tzarc Bk)
/gmove username 6 8 8 (Spot stanga)
/gmove username 6 15 115 (Spot - Intrarea in Dungeon3)
Atlans = 7
/gmove username 7 24 19 (Orash)
/gmove username 7 230 55 (Atlans 2)
/gmove username 7 65 165 (Atlans 3)
Tarkan = 8
/gmove username 8 187 58 (Orash)
/gmove username 8 100 150 (Tarkan 2)
/gmove username 8 162 228 (Beam Knight - Intrarea in Arena)
Devil Square = 9
/gmove username 9 19 15
Icarus = 10
/gmove username 10 15/13 (Intrare)
/gmove username 10 47/205 (DPH)
BloodCastle I = 11
/gmove username 11 15 13
/gmove username 11 15 94
Blood Castle II = 12
/gmove username 12 15 13
/gmove username 12 15 94
Blood Castle III = 13
/gmove username 13 15 13
/gmove username 13 15 94
Blood Castle IV = 14
/gmove username 14 15 13
/gmove username 14 15 94
Blood Castle V = 15
/gmove username 15 15 13
/gmove username 15 15 94
Blood Castle VI = 16
/gmove username 16 15 13
/gmove username 16 15 94
Blood Castle VII = 17
/gmove username 17 15 13
/gmove username 17 15 94
Aida = 33
/gmove username 33 85 10 (Orash)
CryWolf = 34
/move username 34 230 40 (Orash)
/move username 34 25 115
/move username 34 212 70
Balgas Barracks = 41
/gmove username 41 120 89
Balgas Refuge = 42
/gmove username 42 85 198
Land of Trial = 31
/gmove username 31 50 60
Elbeland = 51
/gmove username 51 47 154
Swamp of Calmness = 56
/move username 56 68 203
Raklion = 57
/gmove username 57 171 211
Comandos Avanzados:
/Trans GM (Te transportas al lado del PJ especificado)
/Trace GM (Te transportas al lado del PJ especificado)
/disconnect - Desconecta un pj - Ejemplo: /disconnect GM
/disablechat - Deshabilita el mensaje de este PJ - Ejemplo: /disablechat GM (no veras lo que escribe GM) /enablechat - Habilita lo que escribe este PJ - Ejemplo: /enablechat GM
/GuildMove - Mueve una Guild - Ejemplo: /guildmove GUILD 0 124 134 - El guild se moverá al bar de Lorencia
/GuildDisconnect - Desconectas una guild - Ejemplo: /guilddisconnect GUILD desconectara al y todos sus pjs.
/GuildWarEnd - Terminas una guerra - Ejemplo: /GuildWarEnd GUILD
/GuildWarStart - Inicias una guerra - Ejemplo: /GuildWarStart GUILD
/GuildWarStop - Paras una guerra - Ejemplo: /GuildWarStop GUILD
/Make - Con este comando puedes crear Items o Monters.
/RemainTime - Muestra el tiempo restante (solo para cuentas P2P). Usado en algunos servidores privados.
/SetBlock - Banea - Ejemplo: /SetBlock GM
/UnsetBlock - Desbanea - Ejemplo: /UnsetBlock GM
/addstr = Añadir Fuerza
/addagi = Añadir Agilidad
/addvit = Añadir Vitalidad
/addene = Añadir Energia
/addcom = Añadir Comando
/post = Escribir Mensajes Para Todos Los Usuarios Por Post
/pkclear = Borrar PK
/banchar = Banear PJ
/unbanchar = Desbanear PJ
/banacc = Banear Cuenta
/unbanacc = Desbanear Cuenta
/blockvault = Bloquear Baul
/unblockvault = DesBloquear Baul
/setmoney = Establecer Zen
/reload 0,1,2,3,4 = Recargar Opciones Del Server
/battlesoccer = Para Jugar Futbot En Arena-Stadium mas el nombre del Guild, Ejemplo: /battlesoccer guildname
/skin - Ejemplo: /skin 275 smartvzla - Resultado: el PJ smartvzla se convierte en el kundun
/party = Dar Party a un PJ
/item + el codigo
/drop + el codigo
/create + el codigo
/Make + el codigo
Atte: TeamKiko, Agradese O Dejame Puntitos No Cuesta Nada...